Monday, 31 March 2014

Orleans Accommodation Plan

As we will all being starting out from Orleans on monday morning is anyone looking into accommodation for Sunday night? Are Malydwyn and I making our own arrangements as we are arriving late? What travel plans do Clyde,Pete and Martin have for arrival in Orleans on sunday. Maldwyn I can look into hotels in the vicinity of the Railway station as the nearest F1 is over 4km away.


  1. Is that telepathy or what? I have just finished booking 2 rooms at the very F1 you have referred to for me, Clyde and Martin. I did then wonder if I should have included you and Maldwyn as I understood you were going to get to Orleans by Sunday eve but now I am happy that you are doing your own thing. The hotel is said to be 4km from the centre but is very near the river so good for a start on Monday. I think all 3 of us will have to get from the station - as yet I do not know my train times - but 4km should be do-able after a few hours on Eurostar and then a local train from Paris.
    PS to Clyde and Martin - the cost for all 3 is 51.8 euros including breakfast but as I have elected to claim the second room just for me it will be just over 17 euros each to you.

  2. CORRECTION! It will be 13 euros to Martin and Clyde. A Senior Mathematical Moment!!

  3. Thanks Peter.
    Joy and I will be residing in Paris from Friday 23rd until Sunday 25th. Then on Sunday afternoon I will take one of the frequent trains to Orleans.
    Do we still need/want a F1 in Nantes? Seem to be quite a few. Any preferences? Presumably just the 2 rooms for Friday night 30th? I am booked on the 17.13 from Paris to London on Saturday 31st. The 12.00 on Saturday 31st from Nantes to Paris is probably worth the £4 extra for 1st class.

  4. F1 will be fine, Martin. There is also the YH, but I don't know if they still have places. I haven't booked any trains yet but I think I will go for the 13:00 to Bordo on 31 May. So book me in at Nantes, pls. Clyde

  5. F1 OK for me as well. Undecided as to whether to stay until the Sunday but will make a decision today and book appropriate tickets.

  6. With this F1 at Orleans and Martin's tobacco factory at Nantes, are we all sorted now?
