Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Hotels at Laval - 2nd night 19th May

Details of two possible hotels at Laval: One hotel is located in Bonchamp-les-Laval, which is, as far as I can tell is near the Greenway that passes on the east side of Laval (Greenways are not shown on my map, but looks to be close - can you confirm Clyde). It is a ETAP hotel and the rate is £36.40 per room and it reckons to sleep upto 3 adults per room, although cheap enough to have 3 rooms - see pic. "If we decide to go for this I bag the top bunk"!! The address is 2, Rue Bernard Palissy, Bonchamp-les-Laval.
The other hotel that is in the area is a Formule 1- Boulevard de Buffon, Laval (one that Clyde mentioned as a possible - not sure if it is closer to our route or not). It has the same rooms as the ETAP i.e upto 3 in a room and a bit cheaper £27.73 per room.
There are a few other cheap hotels in the area but the reviews were not good.
Your comments please


  1. I'm not sure that the greenway you refer to comes that far into town, Maldwyn. As you say, the hotel you show (Etap, is it?), lies to the east of the town and maybe as much as 5 km from the center. But the Formule 1 is at ChangĂ©, which is actually on the Mayenne Towpath Greenway and therefore perfect! As you also add, it is also cheaper! Much cheaper than the 2 I've found, in fact. Three of these rooms would be perfect: one person in the bunk and the other in the double, and we can cast lots to see who gets what! Costing £13.87 for each one of us - yes, much cheaper than my hotels. Any other thoughts, anyone?

  2. I'd go for the 3 rooms arrangement at the Formula1.
